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"Hart" ist uns nicht "Hart" genung! - Gehard Warning GmbH


The use of low maintenance mixing elements as well as extremely durable impact resistant mixer bottoms and mixer walls, which require a minimum of cleaning and maintenance are of priority concern for all users of mixing units, i.e. Wöhr, DISA, Lüber, Eirich, Klein, Künkel & Wagner, Webac, Segab, M-tec and Drais, to name but a few.

Our Tungsten Carbide protected mixing elements play a key role in establishing this target.

Over the past 15 years we have achieved a good reputation with our Tungsten Carbide protected mixing elements in virtually every leading foundry in Germany, Europe and overseas in respect of operational time, life span and lowest service intervals.

Our additional maintenance and repair service for our components rounds off our range of offer. 

Range of supply and applications


Tungsten Carbide protected

  • scrapers
  • inner and outer mixing ploughs
  • mixing arms
  • mixing elements and -shovels
  • mixing ploughs
  • rakes
  • beaters
  • augers
  • auger elements
  • cutting knifes
  • agitators and agitor legs

Layered material Alphachrome 7000plus

  • liners for vibrating sand reclaimers
  • mixer liners (bottom and walls)
  • pipes

Layered material Alphachrome 7020

  • liners for vibrating sand reclaimers
  • augers / screw conveyors

Layered material Alphachrome 7481

  • outer liners for roller mills